Home://News - Opened March 21st 2003
04-06-03 - I added 2 more sponsors to the site.. Please click on them I could really use the money... Anyways enjoy my site hope you get everything you need =D - Troy~

04-05-03 - Hmm.. I guess I updated after all. I added some screen shots to "The Idiot Story" I hope you enjoy them! - Troy~

04-05-03 - Sorry no updates today, still waiting for my server to let me upload my site.. - Troy~

04-04-03 - Sorry but I had to add some sponsors.. so please click on them so I can upgrade the site even more & give you more materials! :) - Troy~

04-04-03 - Just Added Rpg Maker 2003 v1.04e Enjoy! :) - Troy~

04-04-03 - I'm Fineshed! Just need to Upload the files to the server and put them on the page :) Weapon Animations are already up! Enjoy! - Troy~
04-03-03 - Almost Done.. Just gotta upload it to the server.. - Troy~

04-02-03 - I'v gotten alot of the bugs out of this.. but still some problems im going to continue on the site later today - Troy~

04-01-03 - Hey Everyone Welcome to Eternal Darkness this is our new layout hope you like it! I will be uploading alot more files soon but this lay out is annoying to use. and im not use to FTP but its getting there.. should be back up to its old self soon - Troy~
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